考尔德:超动力(Calder: Hypermobility)

纽约惠特尼博物馆即将开幕的展览“考尔德:超动力”(Calder: Hypermobility)关注亚历山大·考尔德(Alexander Calder)作品中频繁出现的运动与声音,呈现他的大量重要雕塑作品,同时为观众提供一个难得机会,经历一场亚历山大·考尔德作品中的思想运动。本次展览揭示出亚历山大·考尔德作品的内在动力学性质,继而阐述其与表演艺术和剧场舞台之间的关系。因亚历山大·考尔德对编舞艺术的钟情与实践经历,其雕塑作品亦带有深刻的表现力,反映在两者共同的运动特质,挑动着观众的感官体验。

美国 纽约惠特尼博物馆
99 Gansevoort St, New York, NY 10014

Alexander Calder (1898–1976), Dancers and Sphere (maquette for 1939 New York World’s Fair) set in motion in Calder’s “small shop” New York City storefront studio, 1938. © 2017 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. Photograph by Herbert Matter, courtesy Calder Foundation, New York

Alexander Calder (1898‑1976). The Arches, 1959. Painted steel, 106 × 107 1/2 × 87in. (269.2 × 273.1 × 221 cm). Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; gift of Howard and Jean Lipman 82.44a‑e © 2017 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. Photograph Jerry L. Thompson

Alexander Calder (1898–1976), Red Panel, c. 1936. Plywood, sheet metal, rod, string, and paint, 48 x 30 x 24 in. (121.9 x 76.2 x 61 cm). Calder Foundation, New York / Art Rsource, NY © ARS, NY. Photograph by Jimi Billingsley.