王萌专栏 | 逸格的转换:一个潮艺术的展示文本


张弱 劳动系列《热狗》140×20×20CM 暖气管翻制、铸铁 2011

张弱 动物家系列《猕猴》126×72×48cm 铸铜、丙烯着色 2014

彭博 《世界的尽头》 98×180cm 纸本水墨 2018

彭博《造梦者》 98×180cm 纸本水墨 2021


訾鹏《玉花-一朵气球花》 205×82cm 异形木板油画 2022

訾鹏 《阿罗汉-翡翠》 100×40cm 木板丙烯 综合材料 2021

蒋宛霖 《织景浅渡 –溪山清远图》75×180cm 牛仔裤综合材料 2022

蒋宛霖 《寂》 牛仔裤综合材料 100×80cm   2020年


王瑞林 《逐梦记-方舟》 620cm×170cm×140cm 金属彩绘 2021

王瑞林 《大梦想》 铸铜 皮雕 彩绘 高50厘米 2020

南方 《我是一个疯狂的小孩儿》之一 58cm ×16cm ×2cm ×5 定窑白瓷·手工剔刻

南方 《我是一个疯狂的小孩儿》局部 58cm ×16cm ×2cm ×5 定窑白瓷·手工剔刻

南方 《龙行天下》80×20×2cm 高温白瓷 手绘矾红描金 2021-2022








其他策展作品还有:“从现代出发——15位艺术家的15个表达”(中国美术馆)、“2021北京798艺术节主题展:“乾乾——寻找绘画之‘意’”(美仑美术馆·圣之空间)、“2021北京798艺术节主题展:不息——传统的当代转化”(798玫瑰之名空间)、“INK NOW:水墨形态”(福州威狮当代艺术中心)、“视界:抽象艺术的语汇”(四川美术馆)、“宫娥之卵——武宁亚创旦纪”(今日美术馆,以学术指导整体策划)、“逸格的转换”(798共同艺术中心)、“2016中国当代水墨学术邀请展——敞开视野:水墨的生态”(威海美术馆)、“此时此地——中国当代艺术邀请展&中韩青年艺术交流展”(韩国文化中心)、“多棱体——新兴抽象的结构维度”(青年艺术研究会798当代空间)、“中国意志——中国当代绘画展”(北京当代美术馆+798布鲁姆画廊)、“‘跨’波普折枝——金准植个展”(北京名泰空间)、“开启与攀越——水墨现代性之路研究展”(潍坊博物馆)、“神奇的新‘疆’——张永旭作品展”(新疆吐鲁番博物馆)、“代码视界——丛云峰作品展”(芳草地798空间)、“物状态——田园个展”(798山艺术空间)、“视觉乐园:于幸泽的三个世界”(北京寺上美术馆)、“折象——王彦萍作品展(1992~2012)”(北京画院美术馆)、“关注的目光——李洋水墨作品展”(中国美术馆)、“安静的普陀山——陶娜:一次绘画行动”(普陀山全景+山门空间)、“叙述的语言——当代绘画推动展”(中央美术学院国际学院IC艺术空间)、“追光∙合奏——‘2020中意艺术盛典:提香绘画大赛’学术邀请展”(中央美术学院国际学院IC艺术空间)、“LIZI个展”(意大利罗马Vision Area Art Space)、“Liquid Shadow——廖培个展”(意大利罗马Vision Area Art Space)、“意味:刘刚”(深圳Lia艺术空间)和“文明互鉴——版画语境中的世界图像”(中国美术馆)等。在澳大利亚“中国文化年”(2011)和德国“中国文化年”(2012)期间,作为“新境界——中国当代艺术展”(澳大利亚国家博物馆)和“无形之形——中国当代艺术展”(德国卡尔舒特艺术中心)视觉艺术策展团队的成员,成功实现了在堪培拉和布德斯多尔夫的项目。

Wang Meng was born in Shandong in 1983 and he is now based in Beijing. He is an associate researcher at the National Art Museum of China, a noted curator, an art critic, and a scholar of contemporary art. He received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Art History and Art Administration, respectively. He serves as a member of China Artists Association, the member of the Academic Committee of the China Annual Art Critics Assembly, the academic secretary for the Mixed Media Painting Committee of the China Artists Association, and a member of the Curatorial Committee of the Beijing Artists Association. Exhibitions he curated have been named an Outstanding Exhibition in China by the Ministry of Culture on two occasions, and the Best Beijing Exhibition of the Year by the Beijing Ministry of Culture on three occasions. 

He has published eleven academic monographs. He is the author of the theoretical work Museums as Inspirational Sites of Cultural Occurrence: The Proposal of a New Idea and the three experimental reports A New Context Derived from Ink, New Generation of Abstract Art, and Materials and Methods in Painting Today. He was lead editor on three research reports, Image Study: The Logic of Presentation in the Ink and Wash Process, Concept and Language in the Painting Process, and The Working of Non-Figurative Systems, as well as the volumes Visual Paradise: The Artistic World of Yu Xingze, The Will of China: Contemporary Chinese Painting, Opening the View Wider: The Ecology of Ink Painting Art, and Beginning with the Modern (deputy editor-in-chief). 

His major curatorial projects were the Sishang Art Museum Lab Project, which included three exhibitions, “Materials and Methods in Painting Today” (First Season), “A New Context Derived from Ink” (Second Season), and “New Generation of Abstract Art” (Third Season) (Named an Outstanding Exhibition in China in 2013-2014 by the Ministry of Culture) and the Zhengguan Art Museum Research Room Project, which included three exhibitions, “Image Study: The Logic of Presentation in the Ink and Wash Process” (I), “Concept and Language in the Painting Process” (II), and “The Working of Non-Figurative Systems” (III) (Named an Outstanding Exhibition in China in 2015 by the Ministry of Culture). 

His other curatorial projects include “Beginning with the Modern: Fifteen Expressions by Fifteen Artists” (National Art Museum of China), “INK NOW” (See Well international Art Center), “View: An Abstract Contemporary Art Exhibition” (Sichuan Art Museum), “Opening the View Wider: The Ecology of Ink Painting Art” (Weihai Art Museum), “Here and Now: Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational & Sino-Korean Youth Art Exchange” (Korean Cultural Center), “Polygon: The Structural Dimension of New Abstraction” (798 Young Researchers Association Space, Beijing), “The Will of China: Contemporary Chinese Painting” (Museum of Contemporary Art Beijing, 798 Lingsheng Art), “’Crossing’ Pop Art on Broken Branches: Kim Jun-sik” (Mingtai Space, Beijing), “Developing and Surmounting: The Modernization of Ink” (Weifang Museum), “A Mysterious New Boundary: Zhang Yongxu” (Turpan Museum), “The Sight Code: A Cong Yunfeng Solo Exhibition” (Parkview Green Art 798), “Etats d’objets: Exposition de Tian Yuan” (Mountain Art, Beijing), “Visual Paradise: The Three Worlds of Yu Xingze” (Sishang Art Museum, Beijing), “Fold: The Art of Wang Taiping (1992-2012)” (Beijing Fine Art Academy Museum), “Menina: Wang Ningya” (Today Art Museum, academic advisor), “Eyes of Concern: Li Yang’s Ink Painting Exhibition” National Art Museum of China), “Li Zi” (Visionarea Art Space, Italy), “Liquid Shadow: Liao Pei” (Visionarea Art Space, Italy), “Implication: Liu Gang” (Lia Art Space Shenzhen), and “Mutual Reference of Civilizations: World Images in the Context of Prints” (National Art Museum of China). During the Year of Chinese Culture in Australia (2011) and the Year of Chinese Culture in Germany (2012), he served as a member of the curatorial teams for “A New Horizon: Contemporary Chinese Art” (National Museum of Australia) and “The Form of Formless: Chinese Contemporary Art” (Kunstwerk Carlshütte), which were successfully held in Canberra and Büdelsdorf.