DC 电影《Joker》屡获国际影展好评认证,有望冲击奥斯卡

DC 最新独立《Joker》起源电影,由 Joaquin Phoenix 饰演,剧本则由导演 Todd Phillips 与 Scott Silver 共同编写,故事将聚焦在 80 年代由 Joaquin Phoenix 饰演的 Arthur Fleck 身上,并探讨他是如何成为 DC Comics 里著名反派之一。早前已确定本片为限制级规格,更不会依随漫画情节,而近期《Joker》将巡回参加各大国际影展,宣传的方式并不像过往大家熟悉的英雄大片,而是将其设定为一部足以冲击奥斯卡的英雄剧情片,而这份野心也在近期成功将声量累积起来。

根据多伦多国际电影节(TIFF)已观看《Joker》的本单位艺术总监 Cameron Bailey 表示:《Joker》表现得太棒了,对于小丑这个角色与原作漫画来说,它拥有一个非常原创的叙述表现。并提及本部片精彩重现了 70-80 年代故事背景,并将 Martin Scorsese 的作品风格引入,加上 Joaquin Phoenix 的杰出表现,无疑有竞争各大影展与奥斯卡的潜力。对应早前威尼斯影展的老板 Alberto Barbera 直呼《Joker》绝对能冲击奥斯卡的言论,大家都不应该忽视这部 DC 最新大作。

First of all it’s terrific. So it should play on our largest stage. But it’s a really original take on comic book movies and on the Joker character in particular. It’s not based on an existing story, it has one of the greatest actors in modern cinema, Joaquin Phoenix, in the lead, and Robert De Niro is in it as well, one of the best actors that has ever lived. But it has an interesting tone and approach to it. It’s set in the late ’70s, early ’80s and it feels like it was made then. It’s gritty in its look. It has references to Martin Scorsese’s filmmaking and it feels like a cinematic achievement on a high level. Although it’s working with very populist material, it has great ambition. That’s why it’s a Gala.